Our History

Glendale Baptist Mission was organized Sunday, April 28, 1963 in the home of the Reverend Dr. James A. and Rutha M. Harrington, located at 14441 Lincoln Blvd., Richmond Heights, Florida. There were 20 charter members present at the organizational meeting.
The church derived it’s name from a study book entitled “The Pull of The People”. Dr. Harrington, in reading this book, proposed naming the mission after a church in this book whose name was Glendale Baptist Church, and whose beginning (in a living room) was very similar. The membership accepted and adopted the name “Glendale Mission” and later became Glendale Missionary Baptist Church, Inc., after incorporation with the State of Florida, March 3, 1965. The church’s program consisted of Sunday School, Training Union, Mission and Music. These services and meetings were conducted in the Harrington’s home until later when other members opened and shared their homes for Bible Study, mission activities, choir rehearsals, fellowships, etc.
During the latter part of 1963, the church moved its services to the vacated Post Office building which was also located in Richmond Heights. The church continued to grow numerically and spiritually. The old Post Office building which the church was then occupying was sold by the owner in early 1965, prompting the church to move to Frank C. Martin Elementary School, located In the same community.
In 1966, the church purchased approximately three acres of land to erect a future sanctuary for worship and education facilities as well. In November 1971 the sanctuary was completed.
In October 1969 the church became Southern Baptist through their affiliation with the Florida Baptist Convention, and was noted as the first all-black congregation to affiliate with the Florida Baptist Convention since its organization in 1854.
March 8, 1971 construction of a new sanctuary began and on November 21, 1971 Glendale marched from its present place of worship (Frank. C. Martin Elementary School) to the new sanctuary located on the property (14580 SW 117 Ave). In March 1981, on the property adjacent to the sanctuary which the church purchased; an education building and administration building were erected.
Glendale’s ministry gave birth to four mission churches from the mid 1970’s through the early 1990’s. In August 1984, Glendale Preschool Academy was organized, which is currently named Glendale Christian Academy—enrolling toddlers to 2nd Grade.
August 24, 1992, the church’s sanctuary was completely destroyed by “Hurricane Andrew” and a new sanctuary was erected in 1995.
The church has had a total of five shepherds during its history, who have clearly proclaimed the gospel of Jesus Christ and have had the opportunity of experiencing innumerable accomplishments under the leadership of these men of God.
After nearly 30 years of dedicated service to the ministry of Glendale Missionary Baptist Church, Pastor Joseph Coats retired on January 31, 1997. The Education Building was named “Joseph and Catherine Coats Building” in their honor. A mighty chapter in the ministry of Glendale came to a close.
On December 13, 1998, the Reverend Rickey Armstrong was installed as the fourth pastor of the church. Pastor Armstrong led the church with a clear vision, a challenging message and a commitment of advancing the Kingdom of God to the uttermost parts of the earth. The church was privileged to experience a grand 40th Year Church Anniversary Celebration (April 25, 2003), the liquidation of the church’s mortgage (July 2004) which climaxed in a “Mortgage Burning” celebration (October 2004), the launching of Vision 21, two mission trips to Cape Town South Africa, two mission trips to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil and two mission trips to Malawi Blantry Southeast Africa, Vision 21 Phase II, the annual Racial Reconciliation Conference, five National Miami Pastors’ Conferences (hosted by Glendale), and the staffing of two associate pastors.
April 21, 2010, the Reverend Kenneth R. Jones was called as pastor. He leads the church in the powerful preaching and teaching of Law and Gospel that renders man fallen, helpless and hopeless and the blood of Christ, and “Christ alone”, sufficient in the transformation of man from darkness to light, and that Christ is our only hope of eternal salvation. Pastor Jones comes from a background of reformed theology that clearly defines and declares the scripture to be the inerrant Word of God. He unashamedly and unapologetically defends its truth which we believe to be absolute. He is moving forward and effectively in the pursuit of “getting the gospel right” from the pulpit.
To God be the glory, great things He has done!
Glendale’s Mission Statement
“To glorify God by equipping believers through the sound teaching of Scripture to fulfill the ‘Great Commission’ in Miami, South Dade County and throughout the world.”